I know most people say "I can't believe I have a __ year old", but I've been referring to Brady as 2 for a few months...since he got those terrible 2 tantrums early, so I CAN believe I have a 2 year old :)
This kid is just so much fun, tantrums and all! He is constantly learning new words. He slowed down for a bit, but in the last month or so, he's learned several new words and is even stringing some words together. Some of the things he says include:
"Go Walle" or "go out" when we tell Walle to go potty or get out of the kitchen. "Pop pop" for popcorn. I bought him popcorn at Target once because I needed some quiet shopping time and now every time we go there he asks for it. He also says this when he wants to sing the popcorn popping song. "Thank you" and "thank you mama" (my favorite). He usually says it without prompting too! The best part is even when Ryan gives him something he'll say "thank you mama", hehehe. "Bye bye ____" bye bye bubbles as the bath drains...bye bye Fischy as we leave his friend Fischer...bye bye Walle as we leave the house, etc.
Along with these real words, he has come up with a few of his own and we've figured out what they mean. He calls his paci "wawees" and sometimes "fafee" and he calls his blanket "teetee".
Brady loves to sing. He is always singing as he plays with his toys or as we walk through a store. He sings one song that sounds like he's saying "happy day" over and over. He often sings that or just sings random sounds to the tune of The ABC's. He knows the tune pretty well, but doesn't quite know the letters yet.
When I count to 5, if I pause after a number, he can usually call out the next number.
He's a great helper and loves to help me with any activities around the house. He's also pretty good about cleaning up his toys.
He comes to me with an owie and requests a "Tiss". He's also finally not giving big open mouthed kisses. He's not quite puckering his lips, but at least they're mostly closed when he comes in for one.
He loves Little Einsteins, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and Chuggington.
He's obsessed with balls and hoops. He's always asking me to draw him a basketball and hoop on the ipad and he still yells out "ball" whenever he sees anything round as we're out and about...specifically those cement round and red "balls" outside of Target.
Besides balls, his other obsession is definitely trains. He's always shouting "choo choo", "track", or "railroad". Grandma and Papa Neilson have a wooden train track set and he has LOVED playing with that all week. I've never seen him focus on a toy for as long as he will with that set.
He's the PICKIEST eater and it drives me CRAZY. Things that he's loved in the past are suddenly spit out and refused. The only veggie he'll eat is peas, and that's only if he's in the mood. Other foods he'll eat include: most fruit (cuties are his FAVORITE), cereal, oatmeal, PB&J, hot dogs, quesadillas (sometimes), crackers, anything sweet, and of course, french fries!!
*Note for the next kid - only feed them veggies for the first 10 years!!
He comes to me with an owie and requests a "Tiss". He's also finally not giving big open mouthed kisses. He's not quite puckering his lips, but at least they're mostly closed when he comes in for one.
He loves Little Einsteins, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and Chuggington.
He's obsessed with balls and hoops. He's always asking me to draw him a basketball and hoop on the ipad and he still yells out "ball" whenever he sees anything round as we're out and about...specifically those cement round and red "balls" outside of Target.
Besides balls, his other obsession is definitely trains. He's always shouting "choo choo", "track", or "railroad". Grandma and Papa Neilson have a wooden train track set and he has LOVED playing with that all week. I've never seen him focus on a toy for as long as he will with that set.
He's the PICKIEST eater and it drives me CRAZY. Things that he's loved in the past are suddenly spit out and refused. The only veggie he'll eat is peas, and that's only if he's in the mood. Other foods he'll eat include: most fruit (cuties are his FAVORITE), cereal, oatmeal, PB&J, hot dogs, quesadillas (sometimes), crackers, anything sweet, and of course, french fries!!
*Note for the next kid - only feed them veggies for the first 10 years!!
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